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Human Cellular Tissue Therapy in Cold Spring & Alexandria

person getting knee injectionAt ProWellness Chiropractic and Rehab, we’re passionate about providing a wide range of services under one roof so you can get all the care you need to feel and function your best. Human cellular tissue therapy is one of the cutting-edge therapies we offer to help patients dealing with acute and chronic pain from a variety of conditions.

What Is It?

With the use of umbilical cord cells (Wharton’s Jelly) from donors, this treatment harnesses the power and versatility of the human body to naturally regenerate damaged tissues, accelerate healing, reactivate hair follicles, heal wounds, and alleviate pain. This treatment option can be used to treat both acute and chronic injuries.

Why Would I Need This Therapy?

Our bodies are always in the process of degeneration. When we are young, we have enough of the resources needed to regenerate and keep ahead of the degeneration. As we use up our resources, degeneration starts to overtake regeneration. This is when we start to notice we don’t heal or repair as quickly from injuries. We also start to notice aging more. The process accelerates as our regenerative properties are depleted. This leads to less repair and healing and also increased aging.

As we age, our bodies slow down and so do our stem cells. i.e., it takes longer for one cell to become two cells. As a fetus, it takes around 20-24 hours for a cell to become another. Around the age of 60-65 years old the doubling time is every 60 hours. If we have depleted our regenerative properties and our bodies do not have enough to handle the problems we have, then we must introduce more of what can enhance the regeneration process. Without doing this, there could be no fixing the problem and surgery may be the only option, thus inflicting more damage that further depletes our own regenerative resources.

To help the body grow, fix, replace, and regenerate we need to have young vibrant healthy cells or “Day 1″ cells meaning the cells are only one day old. Day one cells are considered young, healthy robust cells that have the power to really make a difference in helping your body heal. Equally important in regenerative medicine therapies are growth factors, cytokines, structural proteins, chemokines, and other components, which are contained within the products used at ProWellness, and are needed to regenerate the body and support the healing process

Who Can It Help?

Human Cellular Therapy can often be beneficial in many chronic and acute conditions, such as:

  • Muscle strain/sprains
  • Sports injuries
  • Soft tissue injuries
  • Tendonopathy
  • Arthritis, especially in the hips, knees or shoulders
  • Meniscus tears
  • Chronic tendonitis
  • Chronic SI joint pain
  • Sciatica
  • Neuropathy
person having knee examined

What to Expect

Your provider will conduct a thorough examination, including looking at any imaging you’ve had done, evaluating your range of motion and reviewing your complete health history to see if this is an appropriate treatment option for you.

Healthcare is an investment, and it is important that you have the necessary tools to make an educated decision. We know that choosing what type of regenerative medicine treatment is best suited for your diagnosis may be confusing. Your provider at ProWellness Chiropractic and Rehab will assist you on your regenerative journey and provide you with the knowledge necessary to feel confident in your treatment plan.

Get Started Today

Contact us today to learn more about this cutting-edge therapy or to book your appointment.



Human Cellular Tissue Therapy Cold Spring & Alexandria KY | (859) 431-4430